Sunday, November 8, 2009

Retirement Homes = Jello, Fresca . . . and a bunch of old people using Facebook!

So the other day I stumbled upon an article about the elderly using social networking sites. It was awesome. Did you know they now have computer coaches and classes at homes for seniors! I had no idea how many older people used the internet, let alone SNS. Our friends over at the Pew Internet and American Life Project say that "the largest percentage increase in internet use since 2005 has been in the 70-75 age group... The survey found that 45 percent of that age bracket is online, compared with 26 percent in 2005"


This boggles my mind. According one senior living community set up its own senior friendly kinda Facebook a year before it opened so that prospective residents could get to know other potential residents/neighbors. When the community opened in 2007, 70% of residents relied on the network "To check the daily calendar, offer suggestions to management, chat online with neighbors down the hall and share photos of recent parties". Other homes are offering Facebook classes... with long wait lists.

Like I said earlier, this is awesome. Why? Sarah Hoit, chief executive of MY Way Villiage, which designs online social networks for older adults, put it well "Social media are giving seniors a voice, and for a generation that has sometimes felt isolated and overlooked, that's no small feat" I don't the want the grand parents of the world feeling isolated (come on, who doesn't love their grand parents). And on a selfish note I don't want to be 80 and isolated!.

Anyway I just thought this was particularly interesting, because we have been talking about internet and social network use in pretty much every age bracket except for the elderly.


  1. as shocking as that statistic is, you can attribute it to the fact that many of these people dont have much to do, i mean before when there was nothing to do they wouldnt be online but its amazing how the effect of the growth of these sites boost the numbers to this extent.

  2. wow... i would have never thought that any 75 year old knew how to turn on a computer let alone access SNSs. This is a truly mind boggling thing as you have pointed out. I always thought the fastest growing group was middle aged woman. this is extremely interesting

  3. I think it is really great that people are making social networking sites that are elderly friendly...I think your right about them sometimes feeling isolated (especially those living in a retirement home) and this is a great innovation that can bring them much entertainment and happiness.

  4. I love this. The isolation factor is a great point. I remember in high school they always used to ask us to visit the elderly. SNS sites would be such a good way for them to keep in touch with their families that maybe couldn't be near them, or their grandkids who might not be comfortable visiting them in the retirement homes. It would be a good opportunity, especially for the grandkids because it connects with the younger generations on their level and I'm sure could only do positive things for the relationship. Great article.
